Gastrointestinal illness at Atlantic Baptist Nursing Home

Health and Wellness
The Atlantic Baptist Home in Charlottetown has been experiencing an increased incidence of residents and staff with a gastrointestinal illness. The illness began on January 25 with a peak in illness by January 27. Symptoms most commonly experienced are diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

The gastrointestinal illness has lasted an average of 12 - 16 hours in residents and staff. The Atlantic Baptist Home has been in daily contact with the Chief Health Office during the outbreak.

“The illness is being investigated as to the cause, but the symptoms and pattern of illness is very suggestive of a viral gastroenteritis,” said Dr. Mitch Zelman, Deputy Chief Health Officer for the Department of Health and Wellness. “Lab results for the exact cause of this illness are pending.”

To date, 121 individuals, including residents and staff, have showed symptoms and one resident has been admitted to hospital. Staff who have been ill have been advised to remain away from the facility for 48 hours after onset of illness to decrease the possibility of transmission to patients.

The Atlantic Baptist Home has advised visitors of the outbreak and is requesting that visiting be restricted to immediate family only. Signs have been posted recommending strict handwashing before and after any contact with residents. Handwashing has been required upon entering and before leaving the building.

Enhanced cleaning in the Home has been in place, particularly in rooms of affected patients, food preparation areas and common areas.

Affected residents are encouraged to remain in their rooms, and common activities have been put on hold. The numbers of new staff and residents becoming ill each day is declining significantly, and the Chief Health Office will continue to monitor the situation.

For more information on a typical viral gastrointestinal illness, a fact sheet on Norovirus can be found online at

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere