Future Fishers Program renewed

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
A program unique to Atlantic Canada, developed to attract young lobster fishers to the industry, has been renewed, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Ron MacKinley.

“Attracting a new generation of lobster fishers to the industry is a priority of our government,” said the Minister. “The Future Fishers Program invests in new fishers and provides mentoring and training opportunities to help prepare young fishers for a successful career in the fishery.”

Minister MacKinley said the program, which began in 2009, has been renewed for four years.

“This program reflects government’s commitment to strengthening the fishing industry and rural communities across Prince Edward Island,” he said.

The Future Fishers Program provides a combination of financial assistance and formal training to help establish young fishers. Financial assistance is provided in the form of an interest rebate to those who purchased a Class A lobster licence from a retiring fisher.

Since the program began, 74 young fishers have participated in workshops, courses and meetings offering a variety of education and mentoring opportunities.

Fishers require formal courses in marine emergency duties, first aid and operating a radio. They also take courses in lobster biology and health, lobster quality and managing a fishing business.

“The Future Fishers Program has been very successful attracting young people into the industry,” said the Minister. “We are investing in the next generation of fishers, who are the future of the industry.”

Media Contact: David MacEwen