Funding supports hall renovations and new fire equipment

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
Support for two projects under the Island Community Fund will benefit local communities in Prince County, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Ron MacKinley.

“Community organizations and volunteers are the backbone of rural communities,” said Mr. MacKinley. “That is why the provincial government continues to invest in projects that are of direct benefit to the people who live and work in those communities.”

The minister today announced that funding of $12,068 has been approved for renovations to the Northam Community Centre to help increase rental revenues and create efficiencies within the centre. He also announced that $23,750 has been approved to upgrade equipment for the newly incorporated Tyne Valley Rural Community Fire Company. The total cost of the two projects is $66,855.

“On behalf of the Tyne Valley Rural Fire Company, I would like to thank the Prince Edward Island government for the funding assistance to purchase turn our gear and breathing apparatus,” said Ernest Newcombe, equipment officer for the fire company. “This volunteer service requires a large commitment, and yet we have been very fortunate with positive responses when looking for new firemen. We have a very good mixture of both young and old and some with over 30 years experience. This new equipment will keep our front line firemen protected.”

“I want to congratulate and commend the dedicated and hard-working volunteers behind these two projects,” said Mr. MacKinley. “They are making a significant contribution to the safety and well-being of their communities.”

Since 2009, the Island Community Fund has invested close to $20 million to support more than 400 projects in rural Prince Edward Island, with a total project value of $67 million.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon