Upgrades to community facilities in Miminegash will provide social and economic benefits to local residents, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.
“I congratulate the sponsors of these projects for their initiative on behalf of the community,” said Mr. LeClair. “These projects are part of the Rural Action Plan which is aimed at strengthening opportunities in rural areas across Prince Edward Island.”
The projects include renovations to the fire hall and the Seaweed Pie Café. They include structural renovations and the purchase of new furniture and equipment. Total project costs are $90,800. The Island Community Fund contributed $39,820 and a further $46,980 came from Skills PEI.
The Community of Miminegash identified the projects to better enable it to serve local residents. The fire hall houses the community hall and is a meeting place for seniors. The Seaweed Pie Café, owned and operated by Women in Support of Fishing, serves local residents and visitors.
Mr. LeClair said the provincial government has made a strong commitment to supporting rural communities through the Island Community Fund. The fund is a six-year, $27.5 million program to address infrastructure needs in rural communities.