PEI CADORA will be holding its first national dressage horse show in 2002 on June 8 and 9 at Venture Stables in Freetown. A record-breaking number of thirty seven riders from the three Maritime provinces are expected to compete in the show. The show will include the whole range of dressage tests – from a basic level to the complicated Prix St. Georges test. The riders will ride technical tests as well as freestyle tests.
This summer, for the second year, the PEI CADORA group will feature freestyle rides at its horse show. The musical freestyle has gained in popularity over the past several years as a form of musical expression on horseback. Freestyles are now incorporated into all regional, national and championship dressage shows as well as the Olympic games.
The idea of the Freestyle (also called a "kur") is to ride a dressage test to music. The rhythm of the music must match the gait and paces of the horse. The beat of the music must be with the beat of the horse's front legs. Any change of gait, from trot to canter for example, must be matched by a change of rhythm in the music. The judging criteria includes the total technical performance of the test as well as choreography, degree of difficulty and music selection. Anyone interested in learning more about the finer points of freestyles can consult either of the following Web sites: or The process is similar to skating to music and it has been compared to dancing on horseback.
"The freestyle rides will be held on Saturday and Sunday afternoon," said Ron Stewart, CADORA President. "Islanders who came to watch last year really enjoyed the freestyle rides, and we invite everyone to come and watch the show at Venture Stables in Freetown at any time, but especially on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The freestyle rides are quite beautiful to watch."