Forest Study Plots To Be Established

* Agriculture and Forestry [to Oct 2003]
The Department of Agriculture and Forestry is going to establish study plots across Prince Edward Island to collect information on the state, health, harvest and management of public and private forests. The information will provide land owners, forest industries, conservationists, and policy makers with an accurate picture of current resource conditions and trends.

Approximately 900 plots of typical forest stands will be established on randomly selected public and private properties. Each site will be revisited periodically to obtain information on changes such as tree species and growth, harvest rates or insect and disease problems. Information will also be collected in a number of other ways, including the use of aerial photographs. The collection of information on the state of Island forests was recommended by the Round Table on Resource Land Use and Stewardship.

"The information collection process is consistent with forest inventory systems used across Canada to get unbiased and usable information on current forest conditions," said the Manager of Resource Modeling and Inventory, Bill Glen. "We must keep in mind that most of the Island's forest resource is privately owned; therefore after an area is randomly selected, we will send a letter to the owners to inform them about the program and seek their cooperation."

Mr. Glen noted that each study plot contains a number of smaller sub-plots. The largest plot will be a tenth of an acre which is used to assess tree growth and development. Smaller sub-plots will be used to gather information on forest shrubs and forest plant community plots. A soil pit will be dug and refilled after samples are taken and a couple of sample trees will be cored to determine their age, growth and development.

The information collected will be used in planning for sustainable forest management, and as part of the basis for the certification of Island forest products.

Letters will be going out to land owners who may have a plot established on their land. Anyone who will have a plot established may contact Bill Glen at (902) 368-4703 if they require more information.

Media Contact: Island Information Service