Forest Partnership Council Pleased With Round Table Report

* Agriculture and Forestry [to Oct 2003]
After a preliminary review of the Round Table on Land Use and Stewardship Report, the Forest Partnership Council (FPC) announced cautious approval for most of the report's forest-related recommendations. The Forest Partnership Council was established in 1996, with representation from the provincial government and from the Island's woodlot owner, saw miller, forest worker, harvest contractor, environmental, and Christmas tree producers' associations, to oversee the activities and programs of the Forest Renewal program and ensure the sustainable management of Prince Edward Island's private land forest resources. The Council also provides the private sector with a strong voice in decisions affecting the Island's forest community and resources.

Members were particularly pleased that the Round Table recognized the value of the FPC and its ongoing efforts to address the issues facing the England's forest community. These efforts have included development of new funding mechanisms for private land forest management programs, providing government with meaningful input on the issues facing forest resources, and the development and implementation of a Code of Practice for harvest contractors. Council members also expressed pleasure with the recommendation that the dialogue between the private sector and government be continued and strengthened.

The Council is evaluating existing strategies to ensure they contribute to the sustainability of the Island's private forest resources. Members acknowledged the need to move quickly in order to protect the Island's softwood resources and to ensure prompt and adequate reforestation. However, they also expressed concern that the Round Table did not make strong recommendations supporting the reforestation of softwood sites. The council also agreed with the Round Table's recommendation that these strategies need to be in place by March 31, 1998.

Over the next few months, the Council will conduct an in-depth analysis of these and other recommendations before moving forward with solutions to the challenges facing the Island's forest community. For information on the Forest Partnership Council, contact Ian Dennison, chair, at (902) 658-2620.

Media Contact: Island Information Service