Amendments to the Forest Management Act introduced in the Legislature last week will allow for the establishment of regulations to control forest harvest activity on private land. The amendments were introduced by Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill.
"There is a great deal of public concern about the level of softwood harvests in the province and the lack of reforestation," said Mr. Hammill. "Government is prepared to respond to these concerns and to establish harvest standards that ensure the sustainability of our forest resources."
Mr. Hammill said the amendments will establish the basis for regulations to ensure appropriate forest harvests. They provide for the registration of forest harvesters, the introduction of "intent to harvest" forms, provision of training courses, designation of forest protection officers and penalties for non-compliance. They will prohibit harvesting of immature stands and provide for appropriate harvest practices.
A forest resource update report released last week said that harvesting only mature and over-mature stands, combined with increased levels of reforestation, will help to provide a healthy future for the Island's forest industry.
Mr. Hammill said the amendments will reflect the views of the Forest Partnership Council which has been developing strategies to control harvest levels and practices. He said the Council will be releasing a discussion paper in the near future.
"We are recommending that government establish standards which ensure that only appropriate stands are harvested, that contractors respect the forest environment and landscape, and that industrial activity contributes to both the short and long-term productivity of private forests," said Council chair Ian Dennison.
Mr. Hammill said there will ongoing discussions with industry and the public on the implementation of standards. "I want to make it absolutely clear that government is prepared to establish and enforce standards in the best interests of our forests, the industry, landowners and the public," he said.