Farmers Helping Farmers is pleased to announce the official launch of a Carbon Credit Program on Saturday, January 12 at its semi-annual meeting. The program represents the first time that Islanders have had a local option for purchasing carbon credits to offset their greenhouse gas emissions.
The program provides individuals who want to offset some or all of their greenhouse gas emissions with the option to do so by investing in projects in Kenya which effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, an individual taking a holiday involving air travel can purchase carbon credits equivalent to the CO-2 emissions generated by air travel. These funds are then invested in one of two technologies in rural Kenya that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an equivalent amount, as well as providing substantial benefits to Kenyan farm families.
One of the technologies is small scale gas biogas generators that replace wood for cooking with methane produced from cow manure. Another is the installation of fuel efficient cookers in institutions such as schools to reduce the wood used (and hence the amount of deforestation) in the preparation of school meals. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, these technologies significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of time Kenyan farm women have to spend gathering wood for cooking. They also greatly improve the indoor air quality in Kenyan farm family homes and schools. Tax receipts are issued for all carbon credit purchases.
For more information about the Carbon Credit Program, visit the FHF web site at
A presentation on the Carbon Credit Program will be made at the FHF semi-annual meeting at the St. Peters Cathedral church hall on All Souls Lane in Charlottetown. The meeting starts at noon and the presentation will be made at 1 p.m. Media are invited to attend.