Experts on Early Childhood Development to Visit PEI

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
Early childhood development experts, Dr. Fraser Mustard and Hon. Margaret McCain, will be on Prince Edward Island October 6-8 to present their research on the importance of the early years.

Dr. Mustard, who began his medical career in cardiology, is a leading authority on early brain development. He has stated that children develop patterns for life by age six and that the quality and capacity of our future population depends on what we do now to support young children.

Hon. McCain is recognized for her advocacy role against family violence and her efforts towards the development of policies that support healthy child development. She is a social worker, a philanthropist and former lieutenant governor of New Brunswick. She and her husband, Wallace McCain, now live in Toronto.

McCain and Mustard co-authored The Early Years Study, and later assisted Dr. Stuart Shanker with the Early Years Study 2: Putting Science into Action, which recommends an integrated system of community-based early childhood development and parenting centres linked to the school system.

While on PEI, the champions for young children will be talking about the role schools and communities play in early brain development. They will be sharing their research with government, community and business leaders who are working in the areas of early child development, education and health.

Persons working in early childhood development hope to learn more about how Island community leaders and various levels of governments can work together to ensure the highest quality learning and development of young children, especially from birth to age 8, and how this can be achieved using existing community strengths and resources.

A community presentation is slated for Monday, October 6 at 2 p.m. at Murchison Centre near St Pius X Church in Charlottetown. A dinner and discussion for leaders in health, education and early childhood development will be held at Rodd Royalty Inn on Tuesday, October 7 from 6 - 9 p.m. Other scheduled events include meetings with government, the board of directors of CHANCES Family Center, Child Alliance and leaders from the business community.

The McCain-Mustard visit is supported by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in partnership with CHANCES Family Resource Centre.

Media Contact: Island Information Service