Equality Report Card recognizes collaborative efforts

* Community Services and Seniors [to May 2015]
The release of the Equality Report Card by the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women highlights the ongoing collaborative work among government, the Advisory Council and Island organizations, says Honourable Valerie E. Docherty, Minister of Community Services and Seniors, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.

“I want to commend the Advisory Council on the Status of Women for once again producing this important policy analysis document,” said Minister Docherty. “The Equality Report Card provides a benchmark by which we can work together to oversee and monitor outcomes on issues of importance to women.”

Each year the Advisory Council requests that government departments complete a comprehensive questionnaire. The questionnaire asks for detailed information on issues such as departmental initiatives, collaborations, or consultations intended to create more equality for disadvantaged women and/or diversity groups.

“I want to thank departmental staff across government who devote a great deal of time and effort into compiling information and providing responses to assist the Advisory Council in this endeavor,” said Minister Docherty. “Working together we can help to ensure diversity perspectives are considered.”

The Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women is an arms-length from government advisory agency. The nine members of Council are appointed by government to work for equality and to support women’s full and active participation in social, legal, cultural, economic and political spheres of life.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill