Kevin MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, today announced that the existing toll-free number (1-800-565-1633) for environmental emergencies has been expanded to provide access to enforcement personnel from the Department.
Mr. MacAdam announced that effective today, and in cooperation with the Canadian Coast Guard Regional Operations Center, Halifax, the Department of Fisheries and Environment will have a conservation officer from the Investigation and Enforcement Section available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day.
In making the announcement Minister MacAdam pointed out that, "Responding quickly not only stops the abuse to the environment but also aids in the successful apprehension and prosecution of individuals involved in illegal activity." The Minister went on to state that, "With the cooperation of the public, the Department of Fisheries and Environment will be better able to collect evidence quickly, ensuring a greater chance of successful prosecution."
The toll-free number has provided emergency response for oil spills, fish kills and agricultural chemical spills for the past several years. Adding environmental enforcement emergencies to the toll-free number, offers Islanders the opportunity to take action in deterring polluters, poachers and others inflicting abuse to the environment.
The emergency telephone number for environmental emergencies is staffed 24 hours a day. The number is 1-800-565-1633.
For more information, contact Gerald MacDougall, Department of Fisheries and Environment, (902) 368-4808.