Enhancing Regional Cooperation

To meet the challenges of the new millennium, Maritime premiers, meeting in Charlottetown today, agreed on a process to identify new opportunities and set clear priorities for future regional cooperation. The goals of the Maritime Premiers' regional agenda include: a stronger regional voice at the national level; enhanced economic growth through cooperation and improved and more cost-effective delivery of public services.

Maritime premiers intend to formulate their new agenda over the next six months. "We want to get on with the business of improved service delivery to the public in a responsible and fiscally prudent manner, and we believe that there are many opportunities to do this at a regional level," stated Premier Hamm.

For more information, contact Kim Thomson, Information Officer, Council of Maritime Premiers at (902) 424-7590 (phone), (902) 424-8976 (fax) or by e-mail: kthomson@cmp.ca

Media Contact: Island Information Service