Emyvale First Island Community To Receive "911 Civic Number Signage Kits"

Residents of the community of Emyvale were the first to pick up their 911 number signage kits at the distribution depot set up in the Emyvale Recreation Centre. Special sign kits have been designed to ensure consistent and uniform civic number display across rural PEI. As civic addresses are assigned, a community-by-community campaign to distribute 911 address number signs is planned for all of Prince Edward Island.

Over the next five months, each owner of an improved property in rural areas, including municipalities where there is no addressing system in place, will be notified by direct mail as to where and when to obtain their rural "911 Civic Number Sign Kit" in their community.

The 911 civic address team is now in the field gathering the data necessary to complete this phase of the 911 project. To date, they have completed the communities of Stratford, Emyvale, Charlottetown and Summerside and will continue throughout the summer months to capture data on every improved property in the province.

"Once completed in October of this year, all civic addresses then have to be matched to a telephone number in order to create a unique 911 address," stated Wes MacAleer, Minister of Community Services and Attorney General. "This unique 911 address is crucial for an emergency service provider to be able to get to the exact location of an emergency."

A special 911 Registration Sheet included in the mail out must be completed and presented in order to obtain the 911 Civic Number Signage Kit. Signage kits include reflective numbers on a blue aluminum plate, a black enamel steel post and hardware to attach the number plate to the post. Property owners will be charged a nominal fee of $10 for each kit.

For safety reasons, it will be very important for all property owners to properly display their 911 blue number sign on their property. An awareness campaign, with the slogan "We can't help you, if we can't find you," will be launched to ensure that every Islander picks up and properly displays their 911 sign.

An all new 911 website on the provincial government home page will help educate and inform the residents of Prince Edward Island on how the system will work and the many benefits of the 911 Emergency Response System.

"This web site is a valuable tool in our efforts to keep the citizens of Prince Edward Island informed on the 911 Project," states Minister MacAleer. Individuals can access the 911 web site at www.gov.pe.ca/911.

The PEI 911 Project is a partnership initiative of the government of Prince Edward Island, Island Telecom Inc., the City of Charlottetown, the City of Summerside and the RCMP. For more information you can call toll-free 1-877-257-4911.


(902) 888-8019

Visit our web site at www.gov.pe.ca/911

Media Contact: Amand Arsenault