A total of 11 projects in the eastern Prince Edward Island towns and communities of Stratford, Souris, Pownal, Mount Stewart, Morell, Montague, Lorne Valley, Georgetown and Alexandra have been announced under the first round of the Canada-Prince Edward Island Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF).
“Investments in infrastructure help to build stronger communities and through MRIF the unique needs of each community are considered. The Government of Canada is proud to support long-term community growth,” said the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Member of Parliament for Cardigan.
Priorities of the MRIF are green projects that lead to cleaner air and water and improve energy efficiency. Additional priorities focus on investments in projects that improve local roads, enhance Internet connections, or promote local culture, recreation and tourism
“By funding these projects, government is investing in the future of the entire province,” said Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology and MLA for Georgetown - Baldwin’s Road. “Solid and safe infrastructure contribute to community stability and prosperity. We are pleased to play a funding role in initiatives which lead to the betterment of Island communities.”
In Souris, a project will replace the existing water main and related infrastructure on Main Street from Beach Street to High Street. The $364,486 project will result in an improved water distribution system using modern technology. A $285,000 project will upgrade Breakwater Street with sidewalks, lighting and storm water management.
Stratford will undertake a project known as Eastern Realties Phase Two that will connect households to municipal wastewater collection and treatment systems. The $743,980 project will involve approximately 2,680 meters of conventional sanitary sewer lines, 88 service laterals and a sewage lift station. The Town of Stratford will also undertake a $200,000 initiative to implement phase two of its core area plan under the municipal capacity building component. This component under MRIF supports the efforts of municipalities to better plan for the future.
The Town of Montague will be extending water service. Work will include the addition of approximately 2,450 meters of water distribution mains and 74 service laterals through the $943,000 project.
Morell will undertake a $258,726 project to replace 850 meters of sewer mains. In Mount Stewart, a $311,196 project will upgrade the existing sewage pumping stations and evaluate the existing sewage collection system and review the operation of the waste water lagoon.
A $373,832 project will upgrade the Georgetown lagoon by constructing a gabion wall along the berm that borders the shoreline. A curtain wall will be installed to provide higher effluent treatment and a chain link fence around the lagoon will be installed for protection and safety.
The Community of Alexandra will undertake a $60,000 project to improve the community centre such as replacing the original stone foundation and roof repairs, as well as electrical, plumbing and heating upgrades.
The Pownal Sports Centre will invest $94,500 to upgrade the parking surface to permit easier access to its facility. In Lorne Valley, a $141,500 renovation to the community centre will replace the foundation and allow for an addition to the building. The upgrade will also provide additional washrooms and storage space, a new septic system, and improved kitchen and auditorium areas.
A total of 34 projects with a total value of $14.6 million have been announced to benefit communities across the province. Through the MRIF, more than $54 million will be invested between 2005 and 2012 in infrastructure projects by the Government of Canada, the Government of Prince Edward Island and local governments and organizations. Over the next seven years, this initiative will support renewal, expansion or material enhancement of infrastructure in rural and urban parts of the province.
The Canada-Prince Edward Island Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund is administered by ACOA and the PEI Department of Community and Cultural Affairs. The Federation of PEI Municipalities is represented on the program's management committee.