Prince Edward Island Libraries are using technology to advance services to users with tremendous success. In the past year, the library has used the Internet to send more than 20,000 notices to patrons notifying them that requested books are available or that they have books overdue.
The Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister responsible for the Provincial Library Service, said that he was pleased that the library is finding innovative ways to deliver services to Islanders. "The Internet provides us with many opportunities to advance the library system in Prince Edward Island and already we are experiencing wonderful results and our clients are reaping the rewards."
In the past, loan notices were mailed to patrons or they were called by library staff. Now library users have the option of getting their information sent to an e-mail address at their home or office. About one third of the more than 60,000 notices are now sent electronically, and more patrons are signing up for the service every day. The new service has also resulted in impressive savings in paper, postage and in the staff time required to keep patrons informed.
"With people picking up and returning items sooner, service improves for all users, and staff, rather than doing paperwork, have more time to help people in the library," said Larry Tweed, Systems Librarian.
Library users interested in receiving notices by electronic mail should contact their local library.