Election Results Announced For Potato Board

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
Murray Myles, returning officer for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board elections, today announced the following results to fill vacancies on the board.

Harris Callaghan has been elected as the processing producer representative for the West Prince district. Gary Linkletter has been elected as the table stock producer representative for the Summerside district. The seed producer representative for the Charlottetown district is Wayne Diamond, and Boyd Rose is the seed producer representative for the Montague-Souris district.

All producers will serve three-year terms commencing immediately following the annual meeting of registered potato producers which is held in November.

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is a producer-funded commodity board formed under the Natural Products Marketing Act. The Board is comprised of twelve active potato producers elected from four agricultural districts described in the Potato Marketing Plan regulations. Under the regulations, one seed producer, one table stock producer and one processing producer is elected from each of the four districts on a staggered basis.

Media Contact: Murray Myles