Early Years Evaluation Sessions Underway Across the Province

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
Children preparing to enter kindergarten in the fall will attend Early Years Evaluation sessions at Island schools starting next week, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister, Doug Currie.

“Literacy skills are extremely important for students as they grow and advance through school and in life,” said Minister Currie. “Information collected during the Early Years Evaluation will help kindergarten teachers identify students that may be at risk for potential developmental challenges including literacy going forward. Administrators will also be able to better identify where resources are required in the school system.”

The Early Years Evaluation (EYE) involves two components. The first is administered to all children before kindergarten. The second is completed during the school year and is administered by the student’s kindergarten teacher.

The first component involves a 30-minute assessment with each student over the next two weeks. Children will be asked to perform age-appropriate tasks. Results are generated for each student and are shared with the parent before their child begins kindergarten.

The EYE assessments measure:

• Awareness of Self and Environment

• Social Skills and Behaviour and Approaches to Learning

• Cognitive Skills

• Language and Communication

• Physical Development

The second component of the EYE assessment is an observational survey and takes 10 minutes to complete. This survey will provide a framework that kindergarten teachers can use during the first few months of school to structure informal assessments on the same developmental areas as the first component of the EYE. It will also provide a baseline for future assessments.

Last year, the Early Years Evaluation was administered by retired and substitute teachers. This year, kindergarten teachers asked to participate so they could meet students before they start school. It will also provide a professional development opportunity in the areas of assessment and early childhood development.

Once the evaluations are completed, class level reports will be developed to help teachers plan their instruction. Reports can also be generated at a very high level to assess the needs of the kindergarten population at a class, school, district or provincial level.

“Government is investing in early childhood development through the Preschool Excellence Initiative and transitioning of kindergarten into the public school system,” said Minister Currie. “We are investing in early intervention programs and enhancing curriculum to improve student achievement. The objective is to help our children grow and prepare for a successful career in a very competitive economy.”

Parents and families are encouraged to ensure their children take part in an Early Years Evaluation over the next two weeks. If you have not registered your child for kindergarten, please contact your school as soon as possible.

Media Contact: Major Stewart