Chris Corrigan, Blair Trowbridge, Tyler Harris, and Kent Burnell won the first prize for the Start-up Challenge 2000 e-Business Plan Competition. The competition was sponsored by Prince Edward Island Business Development and local area businesses. The winners were announced at the IT Week 2000 - Island Connections and Gala Dinner and Awards Night held at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel on Tuesday, May 9, 2000.
The first prize winners designed an online box office service, Atlantic Ticketing. It enables consumers to purchase tickets to Prince Edward Island's entertainment venues. "The Start-Up Challenge Competition was a great business opportunity," said Chris Corrigan, one of the first place winners of the competition. "Developing this business plan was a great experience and we hope to have more doors open for our online box office service."
Steven Gaudet and Ronnie Gillis took second place prize for their submission to create an online business-to-business trading portal. The third place winners were Jason Rayner, Roderick MacDonald, and Kevin Ramsay for their submission to develop an e-commerce portal linking consumers to products and services found across Canada.
"It's great to see so many young people involved in the IT Sector, we are pleased to be able to encourage them by offering competitions like this one," said Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology.
The competition took place in three phases. Phase 1 required participants to submit short summaries of their business ideas. During phase 2 three finalists were selected and asked to submit a detailed business plan. In phase 3, the three finalists were required to present their business ideas to the judging panel during a live pitch session. Judges were asked to evaluate the business summaries and business plans based upon the likelihood of the plans to become viable businesses.
1st Place Prize
- $5000 cash
- Aptiva Computer system courtesy MicroAge and IBM;
- Marketing Assistance courtesy Baker Consulting;
- Legal Assistance courtesy Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales;
- Accounting Assistance courtesy Price Waterhouse Coopers'
- One year E-Commerce Hosting Package courtesy Island Tel;
- One year Internet Access courtesy Island Services Network;
- Approximate total value $12,000.00
2nd Place Prize
- $2500 cash
3rd Place Prize
- $1000 cash
The Start-up Challenge competition was held in conjunction with IT Week, scheduled from May 4-14, 2000. IT Week is an initiative of the Information Technologies Association of PEI.
Funding for the Start-Up Challenge 2000 was provided by Prince Edward Island Business Development (PEIBD), the lead business development corporation for the province. Through its Business Development Division, PEIBD assists knowledge-based companies in developing and advancing sound business development initiatives.
Island Tel, Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales, Island Services Network, Baker Consulting, IBM, MicroAge and Price Waterhouse Coopers also provide additional support for the competition.