Drinking Water Week Proclaimed

* Fisheries and Environment [to Jul 1998]
May 4 to May 10, 1997 is National Drinking Water Week. This week is designed to increase awareness of the vital role drinking water plays in our lives, and to focus attention on the necessity of protecting this valuable resource. The Honourable Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Environment, today officially proclaimed Drinking Water Week in Prince Edward Island. "Safe drinking water is one of the most fundamental necessities of life. It plays an important role, not only in our health, but also in our general social and economic well being," said Mr. MacAdam.

Prince Edward Island is fortunate in that it has been blessed with an abundant supply of some of the best drinking water found anywhere in the world. PEI totally relies on groundwater reserves for drinking water. With very few exceptions, this water can be used directly with no treatment whatsoever. Mr. MacAdam stressed that protection of our water resource is everyone's responsibility. "We cannot afford to take the good quality of our water for granted. We must constantly strive to ensure that we can continue to enjoy this bountiful resource."

Mr. MacAdam also emphasized the need for public awareness, public ownership and the education of youth as essential to ensuring the long-term sustainability of water resources. "My Department strives to ensure that Islanders have a good understanding of the value and fragility of our water resource. I encourage Islanders who want more information about our water resources to obtain a copy of our new water primer entitled Water on Prince Edward Island, Understanding the Resource, Knowing the Issues."

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For more information contact:

Clair Murphy, Director, Water Resources Division


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