Department Updates Investigations Regarding Fish Mortalities

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry is investigating a second incident of fish mortalities in an Island waterway. Gerald MacDougall, Manager of Fish and Wildlife, provided an update late Monday afternoon on the two incidents that are under investigation.

The second incident occurred in a tributary of the Dunk River in the Emerald area. It was discovered late Monday morning. Mr. MacDougall said the initial investigation suggests more than six kilometres of stream and thousands of fish have been affected. He said there are a significant number of large fish including salmon and rainbow trout. Fish samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis Monday afternoon and investigators were collecting other samples as the investigation continued.

The other incident of dead fish occurred in the upper east branch of the Tryon River. Mr. MacDougall said approximately four kilometres of stream were affected. Cleanup crews collected about 725 fish in total between Sunday evening and Monday. Investigators collected water, soil and vegetation samples, as well as dead fish. Samples have been sent to the laboratory for analysis.

In the case of both incidents, Mr. MacDougall said it appeared the fish were dead for at least a couple of days. The water temperature and dissolved oxygen readings in the streams were within the normal range for this time of year.

The provincial Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry is continuing to investigate the incidents.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans will be making arrangements to close the affected areas to angling. It’s expected the closures will include the east branch of the Tryon River and the Dunk River upstream from Walls Road, including Scales Pond.

Media Contact: Sandra Lambe