Department Releases Pesticides Report

* Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [to Oct 1996]
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry today released the annual report of the Pesticides Advisory Committee. The committee reports on all aspects of pesticide use in Prince Edward Island.

"The report reflects the major issues identified in the many submissions by organizations and individuals," said Leith Thompson, Committee Chair. "The report has made recommendations, many of which relate specifically to concerns expressed by the public and by farm groups."

In response to the report, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry is developing a work plan for the coming year to help address a number of priority issues and concerns. There will be increased enforcement of the Pesticides Control Act and regulations, more training in the use and application of pesticides and further discussion with industry on limiting the application of pesticides by sprayers when wind speeds exceed a maximum allowable rate.

A number of other steps will be taken to reduce the risks of pesticides both to the farming and non-farming community.

"I want to commend the members of the Advisory Committee for their careful and knowledgeable consideration of these and other issues," said Walter Bradley, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. "The committee plays an extremely useful role in bringing their own insights as well as public concerns to my attention in an objective fashion."

Mr. Bradley also expressed his thanks to the committee chair, Dr. Leith Thompson, who has completed his term.

"Dr. Thompson has brought to the committee, and through it to me, the benefits of his long and distinguished service in agriculture research," said Mr. Bradley. "I want to thank him and the other members of the committee for the thorough job they have done in dealing with these issues."

The minister said that new members, including a chair for the committee will be appointed in the near future.

Media Contact: Teresa Mellish