Department Releases Final Report on the Most Appropriate Level of Government of Prince Edward Island to Deliver Specific Services

* Community and Cultural Affairs [to Jun 2007]
Today, the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs released the final report on the most appropriate level of government in Prince Edward Island to deliver specific services. In March 1999, the province and the City of Charlottetown entered into an agreement to participate in the study, and in the spring of 2000, they issued an invitation to the City of Summerside and Town of Stratford to participate as well.

"The KPMG Study was an independent study conducted by KPMG, a nationally recognized consulting group from Halifax, Nova Scotia," says the Honourable Gail A. Shea, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs. "The objective of the study was to bring forward recommendations for the future roles and responsibilities of provincial and municipal governments in the delivery of services to Islanders."

The report is now being reviewed by the provincial government and will be a first step for future discussions regarding service delivery and partnerships among levels of government in the delivery of services.

The report is currently available to the public through Island Information Service in the Jones Building.

For further information, contact John Berry, Planning and Inspection Services, Department of Community and Cultural Affairs, (902) 368-4876.

Media Contact: Jennifer Cormier