The Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Prince Edward Island Association of Exhibitions have signed a Memorandum of Understanding under which the department will provide financial support for the development of agricultural fairs and exhibitions and the promotion of the Island's primary industries.
The Memorandum was signed recently by Agriculture and Forestry minister Eric Hammill and by Association president Jim Colodey. Under the memorandum, the department will provide funds for the operation of the Association and for grants to fairs and exhibitions. Up to now, these expenditures were made directly by the department.
The success of these community events is due to the hard work and dedication of countless volunteers and the leadership and support provided by the Association," said Mr. Hammill. "This new memorandum will enable the Association to better plan and direct its activities and assist in the development of exhibitions and festivals throughout the province."
Mr. Hammill said the successful promotion of Island agriculture, fisheries and forestry products to thousands of Islanders and visitors over the summer demonstrates the value of exhibitions and festivals and the importance of their support.
"This memorandum is a recognition of the role the Association plays in developing and promoting exhibitions and festivals and providing leadership to the countless volunteers who have made them a success," said Mr. Colodey. "The Association will now assume more responsibility for its own activities and for undertaking new initiatives in cooperation with the department and our member organizations."
The Association of Exhibitions is made up of 12 exhibitions and festivals across the province, including the Provincial Exhibition.