Department Of Education Provides Funding For Additional Teacher Assistants For 1998-1999 School

* Education [to Apr 2008]
The Department of Education has allocated funding for an additional 13 full time equivalent teacher assistants for the 1998-99 school year. This represents a significant increase at 10 per cent, as there were 132 teacher assistants hired last fall and this September there will be 145 full-time equivalent teacher assistants in Island schools.

The work of teacher assistants is highly valued, however they are one of several means by which the needs of children are addressed. Special education teachers, resource teachers and the regular classroom teacher all provide essential support to students with special needs. In addition, a new program called Reading Recovery will be implemented in Island schools in September. This program is aimed at students with reading and writing difficulties.

While these and other initiatives demonstrate Government's commitment to students and education, there is a reality that government does not have access to unlimited financial resources. The Department of Education will continually strive to identify the most effective means of supporting the needs of students, while respecting the reality of financial constraints.

To that end, the Department of Education has commissioned a study of special education needs in the Province, which will help the Department to develop a long term plan to meet the growing demand for special services for students.

Throughout the summer months and early fall, school boards will continue to assess the various needs of children and will identify what interventions are in the best interest of children with special needs.

"It is our hope that through cooperative effort, the needs of all students can be appropriately addressed in the coming school year," says Deputy Minister of Education, Elaine Noonan.

Media Contact: Ellen Hamill