Department Concerned over Recyclables Taken from Drop-off

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
To clarify recent comments in the press, the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry is not developing regulations aimed at the removal of recyclable material from the roadside.

Reports of bags of recyclable materials being taken and of bags being sorted through and left open or spilled along the road have prompted the department to consider how to better safeguard recyclables left for pick-up.

The primary effort would be directed toward education and public awareness around the handling of recyclables left for pick-up and the importance of not contributing to roadside litter.

Under the plan being considered, officers would not be asked to watch for people removing materials, but could investigate if asked to by a member of the public. No additional resources are being put into enforcement of blue bag regulations.

As well as creating litter, the unauthorized removal of roadside materials raises issues about possible loss of identifying materials such as bills and financial records.

Media Contact: Ron Ryder