The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry has issued a caution to Islanders after last weekend’s warm and windy weather saw provincial forest firefighters and several fire brigades called to respond to many grass and brush fires across the province. In most cases these fires were caused by people burning grass, brush and other woody debris when fire conditions were dry and hazardous.
Speaking about the situation in the Provincial Legislature today, Minister Jamie Ballem said while no major damage or losses were reported, the cost to suppress these fires can be thousands of dollars. More importantly, the Minister added, these unnecessary fires endanger homes, properties and lives, and limit the ability of firefighters to respond to other emergencies.
“While many Islanders believe that burning off old grass is a good practice, it dramatically increases the risk of destroying Island homes, farm buildings and other structures,” said Minister Ballem. “In order to protect lives and properties, and ensure that the efforts of the Island volunteer firefighters are well spent, I urge all Islanders to burn only when absolutely necessary, and only when in possession of a valid burning permit - in short to burn safely and responsibly.”
Dry grass is a highly combustible fuel. When combined with plenty of oxygen, warm temperatures, and high winds, even a small fire can quickly get out of control. When it does, it can often escape into the forest, igniting dry branches and leaves and creating a larger and much more dangerous and destructive fire. Grass fire also exposes soil to water and wind erosion, and deprives it of many valuable nutrients in the critical early growing stage.
From March 15 to December 1, people are required to have a Burning Permit before conducting any outdoor burning, and this permit is only valid when used under the right conditions. Dan McAskill, Forest Fire Program manager with the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry, said in most cases burning can only occur when the Fire Weather Index is low and wind speeds are 10km/hr or less. Last weekend, burning conditions changed rapidly, invalidating the permits.
Mr. McAskill noted that it is responsibility of the permit holder to check the forecast and have accurate Fire Weather Index information before initiating any fire. They must also have adequate personnel and resources on hand to prevent the fire from escaping. Fire Weather Index information is available 24 hours a day from any forest district office or on-line at After hours, Islanders can call (902) 368-4800 for an automated recording of the Fire Weather Index. Permit holders must inform their local fire brigade each day before burning.
McAskill cautioned that Burning Permits are only valid for the materials specified on the permit such as grass and brush. Garbage, old tires, plastics, treated lumber, and other such materials cannot be burned under the permit and must be properly disposed of through other methods. As well, most Island towns and cities restrict or prohibit outdoor burning of any material. Burning Permits do not allow the holder to violate local requirements.
Over the next few weeks Islanders can expect more periods of warm, dry weather which will drive up the Fire Weather Index. Burning Permits and information on safe burning practices are available from any forest district office. For more information, contact the Forestry Division at (902) 368 4700.