Decrease in used beverage containers on roadsides

* Environment, Energy & Forestry [to Nov 2011]
Results from the 2010 litter survey show a reduction in empty beverage containers littering Island roadsides, says Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister Richard Brown.

“Government is pleased that changes to the Beverage Container Act offer more variety and beverage choices for Islanders, and we are also very pleased to see that used beverage containers are being recovered and recycled at very high rates,” said Mr. Brown,” said Mr. Brown.

Used beverage containers make up 17 per cent of roadside litter, a decrease of 23 per cent from 2005 levels, and lower than 2009. Fast food litter now makes up 50 per cent of all roadside litter and Minister Brown is encouraging Islanders to make an extra effort to curb the volume of litter on roadsides.

“We can do better and we will all benefit from taking more care in the way we dispose of coffee cups and other fast-food packaging,” said Mr. Brown.

The Roadside Litter Survey was commissioned by the department to assess the effectiveness of the deposit and refund beverage container system established in 2008.

Mr. Brown said the environment is benefiting from the beverage container recycling program.

“All the money received from deposits on beverage containers goes directly back into the environment to watershed groups and users of the Alternative Land Use Services Program,” said Mr. Brown.

The Southeast Environmental Association carried out the work and compared the data with results from previous surveys dating back to 2002. The survey was conducted in early spring prior to the annual roadside cleanup sponsored by the PEI Women’s Institute. Forty-six sites across the province were sampled, with an equal mix of urban, suburban and rural locations in all three counties.

“I applaud the Women’s Institute and all the volunteers who participate in the annual clean-up for their leadership and commitment to keeping Prince Edward Island clean,” said Mr. Brown.

Copies of the Roadside Litter Survey Report 2010 are available at

Media Contact: Alf Blanchard