Decorations in place for Open House

Their Honours, Lieutenant Governor H. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Dorothy Lewis are issuing the annual invitation to the Fanningbank Christmas Open House. This year, the doors to Government House will be open for visitors on Monday, December 3 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and again from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome and Their Honours will be greeting all visitors personally.

This year, Government House will feature a mix of traditional and modern decorations throughout the main floor including three Christmas trees, antique toys and a wide assortment of greenery. The fireplaces will be lit to add to the warmth and glow as visitors enjoy their walk through the house, built in 1834, and enjoy seasonal music.

Performing in the afternoon will be Fran McBurnie on piano and Morgan Saulnier on flute. Evening entertainment will be provided by the Canada Remembers Chorus from Veterans Affairs Canada with a guest appearance by the Coro Dolce Choral Group.

Decorating for this year is under the creative direction of Christopher Gillis and Craig Dauphinee, owners of The Ottoman Empire, a local company that features interior design and decorating.

Visitors are reminded that parking will be limited, especially in the afternoon. The main floor of Government House is accessible for people with limited mobility and non-powered wheelchairs.

Media Contact: Cindy Cheverie