Premier Pat Binns says the unfounded negative slandering of the Opposition threatens the image of the Province as a good place to do business.
"The focus of government is to attract investment, and to generate employment and economic activity in Island communities. I have no difficulty with the Opposition disagreeing with decisions of government, but I don't like their methods," stated Premier Binns. "Every time we attempt to create jobs the people involved are subjected to unfair, negative accusations from the Opposition who are obviously more comfortable attacking people than in debating ideas."
Premier Binns says the suggestions from the Opposition regarding the proposal to develop a resort at Crowbush are the latest example. "If you followed their logic, everyone that voted for this government, or who ever supported a Conservative anywhere in the country, would be excluded from doing business with the province. That is totally unreasonable. When it comes to development opportunities, I don't check people's political credentials. I am more interested in their ability to get the job done and the solid nature of their proposal. Obviously, the Opposition is more interested in attacking people rather than promoting a worthwhile proposal."
Premier Binns says the government is very open in dealing with development opportunities, and makes its decisions based on the best business and development interests of the province and communities.
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* At the time of the original development of the Links at Crowbush Cove, the previous government set aside 46 acres of land for resort type development.
* The previous Minister (now an Opposition Member) directed Tourism officials to proceed with efforts to develop the land. That process was delayed during the lead-up and time of the Provincial election.
* Following the general election, the new government was asked if they wished to proceed with the effort to develop the land, and go ahead was granted.
* In early 1997, a call for Expressions of Interest was issued, and six official responses were received.
* Due to this interest the Department moved to a formal Request for Proposals.
* This resulted in two joint proposals being submitted, comprised of two groups of two from the original six.
* The two formal proposals were reviewed by Cabinet and the direction was given to attempt to negotiate a development agreement with Meredith Michael based on strong marketing capability and opportunity to diversify the tourism product. This is the agreement now being pursued.
This agreement involves an option on the 46 acres of land as originally set aside by the previous government for this purpose. The agreement is required so the developer can arrange financing. The option is available for six months, and can be renewed for six months depending on the development action.
In order to exercise the option the developer must:
1) submit an accommodations construction plan;
2) secure an acceptable signed operating agreement with a international hotel operator;
3) confirm financing for the project.
The developer must obtain all licenses, permits and approvals necessary for the project, including environmental approvals.
Phase One - 150 room, four-star hotel, with amenities, on 7 acres of land. Possible Craft/Farmers market type development. Sewer and water treatment (eight acres).
Phase Two, Three and Four - involves up to 250 Condos on the remaining 30 + acres.
Similar to developments at Mill River and Brudenell.
Province will provide sewer and water systems.
Province will construct access road. (This road has already been constructed because it was needed for Skins Game.)