"A Criminal Justice Summit scheduled for this week should be an important source of new ideas to deal with crime," says Attorney General P. Mitchell Murphy. "The work to prevent crime is an effort that involves every Islander to one degree or another. Therefore, I am pleased the Criminal Justice Summit will involve such a wide range of participants."
From January 29 - 31, 1997 the Summit will bring together representatives of federal, provincial and municipal governments. Approximately 30 justice leaders will participate, along with a number of community group representatives. A public forum will be held January 29 at the Charlottetown Hotel beginning at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the Summit is to develop plans for Prince Edward Island's justice system into the 21st century. This follows the 1996 release of 20-20 Vision: Justice into the 21st Century, a major report that detailed a variety of options for Prince Edward Island's criminal justice system.
Over the past several years, the criminal justice system on Prince Edward Island has had to increasingly address complex issues such as family violence, child sexual abuse and the mental health problems of some offenders. "While many of these challenges can be met by the criminal justice system, a widespread public and government effort is required," Mr. Murphy said. "Clearly, crime prevention is an issue which belongs to all Islanders. There are many individuals within government and the community who have a great deal to contribute in the areas of addictions, mental health and other fields and can assist in crime prevention," said Mr. Murphy. "I am hopeful that the Summit will shed some light on all these issues, in a way which will help us to build a safer Prince Edward Island.
Following the conclusion of the Summit, a report will be prepared and issued publicly.
For more information contact: Mr. Phil Arbing, Criminal Justice and Corrections Advisor at 368-6619.
Copies of 20-20 Vision: Justice into the 21st Century are available at Island Information Service at 368-4000.