Contact East '96 Slated For Mid-September

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Every two years, live performance artists and organizations from Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador gather for CONTACT EAST: The Performing Arts Trade Show of Atlantic Canada. This year, 27 performing artists and groups, as well as agents, managers and other arts interests from across Canada will meet in Saint John, New Brunswick from September 19-21, 1996.

Participants will attend showcases, workshops and meet with industry personnel and live performance buyers over the three day period. This year's workshops include Media Relations, Building Partnerships, and Industry and Community Focus Groups. An Orientation Session is planned for first time participants. As well, a workshop on presenting classical music, sponsored by the Canada Council Touring Office, will be presented by the Gryphon Trio. Various other activities are also planned to create an environment conducive to generating contacts and developing good business relationships.

Prince Edward Island will be well represented at CONTACT EAST '96. The lineup includes favourite entertainers such as Barachois, the high-spirited group that plays, sings and dances its way into our hearts with Acadian music; Ancestral Voices from The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada, who were nominated at the East Coast Music Awards and recently signed a three-record licensing deal; country singer Kim Albert, who launched her first album "Big Time, Small Town Girl" in 1995; and country singer-songwriter and recording artist Randy J. Martin who also showcased at the 1996 East Coast Music Awards.

The showcasing venue for performing artists is the Imperial Theatre. Often referred to as the cultural jewel of Saint John, the fully-restored Victorian facility seats 900 and is known for its excellent acoustics. For the second time in Contact East's history, the showcase of artists will be open to the general public. The performing ARTS trade show will be hosted at the Delta Brunswick Hotel.

Registration forms for CONTACT EAST '96 are now available by calling the Culture, Heritage and Recreation Division of the Department of Education at (902) 368-4787 or by visiting the PEI Council of the Arts, 115 Richmond Street, Charlottetown. Registation deadline is September 19, 1996; however, registrations received on or before August 15 will received a discounted rate.

CONTACT EAST '96 is produced cooperatively by the provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and in collaboration with the New Brunswick Arts Council Inc.

Media Contact: Nonie Fraser