Consultation on Allowable Rent Increase

The Director of Rental of Residential Property invites written submissions from Landlords, Tenants, interested Groups and the public to assist in establishing the annual allowable percentage rent increase to take effect January 1, 2017.

Each year the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission sets the allowable annual percentage rent increase. Input from Landlords, Tenants and the public is a very important component to the information that the Commission relies upon to set the annual percentage increase in rent.

Last year the Commission did not allow any increase rent for the calendar year 2016. In setting the increase at zero, the Commission noted only two Landlords and four other submissions from the public were received. Further information and previous allowable annual increases is available at .

Islanders are now invited to provide their input. Written Submissions are requested to be provided by Wednesday, August 31, 2016 delivered, mailed or sent by email to:

Director of Residential Rental Property

5th Floor, National Bank Tower

134 Kent Street, P.O. Box 577

Charlottetown, PE C1A 7L1

Media Contact: Catherine Flanagan