Construction underway on new Summerset Manor

Health and Wellness
Construction of the new Summerset Manor in Summerside has started, says Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram.

“It is wonderful to see this project moving forward and on schedule,” said Minister Bertram. “Government is committed to ensuring our Island citizens have top quality long-term care facilities and services available in our communities to meet the population needs. I know Summerset Manor residents and staff are very excited about the new manor and the benefits it will offer.”

In the new 82-bed facility, residents will live in units called households, which will support 13-14 residents. The smaller household design will provide a better physical environment as well as an improved staffing model.

“It is a very exciting time now that construction has started and having a new facility is becoming more of a reality," said Gayle Lamont, administrator of Summerset. “This new manor will be even more like home to the residents, which is designed to maximize space and utilize best practice in care models.”

Summerset is one of five manors being replaced under government’s $63 million manor replacement project, one of the pillars of the 2009 provincial Healthy Aging Strategy.

Summerset is expected to be completed in the fall of 2012.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere