Government and media representatives received a preview of the layout of the new East Prince Health facility today as they toured the project construction site with facility planners.
"Construction is proceeding at a rapid pace," said Health and Social Services Minister Jamie Ballem. "To date, East Prince Partnerships Limited (EPPL) has enjoyed great weather and missed only a handful of construction days over the first four months of construction. Everyone involved in planning and construction of the facility is pleased with the progress to date for a project of this size."
On site work began in mid June on the northeast corner of the building known as the ambulatory care wing. Construction activity then moved across the facility site in a southwest direction toward the inpatient areas.
EPPL aims to have most of the structural systems completed by the end of November, with temporary enclosures and heating systems in place to facilitate interior work over the winter months.
Concrete pouring is on schedule. Steel work is continuing on the second floor, and roof enclosure work has begun. Brick work is 75 percent complete on the north and west walls of the north side of the structure. Plumbing and electrical work continues throughout the structure.
Base paving has been completed in both visitor parking lots, a portion of the staff parking lot and the entrances to the facility. The McEwen Road connector access road will not be constructed until the spring. The main entrance road from Granville Street has now been turned over to the City of Summerside to allow local retail businesses secondary access off Granville Street.
The site work is basically complete, including storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water lines. This activity concludes all underground work at the site.
The South Block inpatient areas won't be completely closed in by the end of the year; however, a significant portion of this aspect of the facility framework will be complete.
Back at the East Prince Health facility planning office, a project team has been coordinating a variety of activities in preparation for the move from Prince County Hospital to the new facility.
A workshop was held recently for 60 East Prince Health workplace managers to begin preparations for the move. Over the next year, work processes will be defined for all departments and related services in the facility. Management, staff, physicians and volunteers are beginning to form committees to plan details related to training, move planning and orientation in the facility.
East Prince Health CEO Dave Riley noted that, "The achievements to date are bringing a great sense of pride to the many staff, physicians, volunteers and community residents who contributed to the process of planning the new facility and securing funds for new equipment."
Detailed planning continues in other areas such as security, signage and development of policy and procedures.
Much activity is also happening to secure new equipment for the facility. Ten requests for proposals (RFPs) have been initiated for equipment with a final closing date on November 15. Equipment evaluation teams have organized, and initial responses from vendors have been received.
The major focus for the next two months will be the evaluation of proposals received for equipment. This is for approximately $7 million of equipment. It includes all of the fixed equipment, clinical lighting, diagnostic imaging, CSR (sterilizing equipment), and cardiac monitoring systems with some OR and lab (pathology) equipment as well. Equipment delivery dates will vary over the next 2 years. There are 2,489 existing items of equipment in the Prince County Hospital which will be moved to the new facility. Planners have determined that 4,588 new items will be purchased.
Funding for equipment is made possible through the Prince County Hospital Foundation's "Bring Good Health to Life Campaign." The Foundation is currently working with community businesses and individuals to gather an estimated 13.3 million dollars worth of funding pledges.
At the upcoming East Prince Health Annual Meeting, to be held November 28, and in the weeks leading up to December 19th, the East Prince Health Board is calling for community input on suggestions for a name for the new facility. The facility planning office will gather the submissions and a committee of staff and community representatives will review the submissions and put forth three recommendations to the Board and provincial government.