Community Schools Report Record Enrolments

* Education [to Apr 2008]
More than 4,000 Islanders participated in community schools this year, an increase of more than 1,500 over the past two years. Participants chose from a wide variety of courses such as music, crafts, home improvements, gardening and wellness.

Education Minister Chester Gillan acknowledged the tremendous success of the PEI Association of Community Schools in growing and enhancing the program. "Community schools are a very important institution in our province and they are getting even better," said the minister. "They tap and transfer knowledge and skills within communities, help to pass down Island traditions from one generation to the next, and create many opportunities for lifelong learning."

Minister Gillan said the PEI program is held up as a best practice model across the country because of the very strong community involvement in the program. "Community schools are led by people from local communities who organize the schools, teach the courses and ensure that as many people as possible can attend. As a result, Islanders have affordable opportunities at the community level to learn from people they know and trust."

Provincial president of the PEI Association of Community Schools Pearl Gillis advises that recent increases in enrolment are largely due to improved marketing strategies, good travelling weather and a strong base of dedicated community volunteers. "We anticipate our enrolment will remain at least as strong this year, if not better," she said.

The Department of Education is the primary funder of community schools which are now in their 36th year of operation in PEI.

Media Contact: Jean Doherty