Community Hospital O'Leary Replaces Flooring

* West Prince Health Region [to Nov 2005]
Cletus Dunn, Chairperson of the West Prince Health Authority, advises that work is progressing well on the $68,000 project to replace the flooring in Community Hospital O'Leary.

"Of the approximately 40,000 square feet of flooring to be replaced, about 10,000 square feet has been installed. Another 5,000 square feet has been removed and is presently drying," he said.

West Prince Health staff have been working closely with the provincial Department of Transportation and Public Works to plan and implement the project while minimizing interruptions to patients, visitors and staff.

The hospital has been divided into 12 separate work areas for the purposes of the project. Time is required in each area for floor removal, drying time, and installation of the new flooring.

Debbie Barlow, West Prince Health Operations Manager and chair of the Flooring Replacement Committee, reports that planning is slightly ahead of schedule. "During the months of April and May the drying time required once the old flooring was removed was less than anticipated. However, higher summer humidity levels are expected to slow down the process somewhat. Our challenge has been to meet projected construction timelines while continuing to provide similar levels of service and minimum impact to staff, visitors and clients," she said.

Dean's Flooring of West Prince was the successful contractor following the tendering process conducted early this spring.

Both Dunn and Barlow agree this is a massive amount of flooring to be replaced. They expressed appreciation for the commitment and cooperation of staff, visitors, clients, the flooring committee, Transportation and Public Works, and the contractor. They add that the impact to the services of Community Hospital O'Leary has been minimal, and that the remainder of the project will continue in a similar fashion.

Media Contact: Island Information Service