Our Island summer has been great, and the colours of the leaves are about to mature, creating a new perspective on our landscape. The Provincial Parks staff invite everyone to come to the Brookvale Provincial Ski Park for the second annual "Festival of Colours" on Sunday, October 3, 1999, from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. (Rain date is Sunday October 10 - same time).
The event is geared towards outdoor family fun with activities planned for all ages throughout the day. "Last year's event was a tremendous success," said Fisheries and Tourism Minister, Kevin J. MacAdam. "Over 1,000 people, Islanders and visitors alike, came to the ski park to enjoy the fresh air and spectacular scenery while taking part in the activities."
The chair lift to the top of the park will be operating at a charge of $1.00 per person, per ride, with all proceeds going to the PEI Lung Association. Once visitors get to the top of the hill, the great scenery of the area and the display of changing colours is astounding. It is a truly magnificent view of the rolling hills of the area and it offers an opportunity to stroll down the hill or catch a ride on one of the wagon rides which are offered for the event.
Food will be available from 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. with proceeds going to the Brookvale Ski Patrol. Throughout the festival, Provincial Park naturalists and summer program staff will be on hand all day to lead interpretive-guided tours and entertaining the children with various games and activities, and the whole event will feature music provided by Michael Pendergast and Friends.
New to the Festival of Colours for 1999 will be a magic show which will be performed a number of times throughout the day featuring Ross Thompson, The Magic Man.
"We are hoping that everyone takes the opportunity to come out and enjoy the great view from the top of the park and participate in some of the activities which Provincial Parks staff have planned. It's a great use of a facility that is normally only thought of during the winter and it's a great venue to highlight the beautiful scenery for which we are famous," added Minister MacAdam.
Last year people young and old strolled, walked and rode wagon-rides up and down the hill while enjoying everything that the fall season and Brookvale had to offer.