Child and Youth Commissioner makes recommendations to government

A report by Prince Edward Island’s Child and Youth Commissioner contains a number of important recommendations for government that will improve services for children and youth across the province, says Finance, Energy and Municipal Affairs Minister Wes Sheridan.

“While we have always been proud of those caring professionals who do so much for Island children, our Government realized that, too often, their work is carried out in isolation,” said Minister Sheridan. “The Child and Youth Commissioner, Jeff Clow, looked for ways to bridge that divide. Through his thoughtful recommendations, Government can ensure the programs and services we provide to our young people and their families are as coordinated and efficient as possible.”

Among his recommendations, Mr. Clow would like to see government develop a comprehensive and collaborative provincial child and youth strategy, establish a provincial youth cabinet, launch a formal provincial children and youth mental health strategy to facilitate more effective planning and service co-ordination, and prepare and implement a detailed strategic plan for Youth Substance Use and Abuse.

“The priority we place today on our children and youth will chart the course for Prince Edward Island’s future,” Mr. Clow said. “Responding effectively to the increasingly complex and changing needs of Prince Edward Island children and youth presents both challenges and opportunities but, throughout this process, I have been inspired by the dedication, caring and forward-thinking of staff who are working with our children and youth.”

Mr. Clow compiled his report after reviewing programs and services within the departments of Education and Early Childhood Development; Health and Wellness; Community Services and Seniors; and Environment, Labour and Justice. As part of the process, he spoke extensively with service providers, non-governmental organizations, and young people and their families. He also conducted online consultations.

The position of Child and Youth Commissioner was created in the 2010 provincial budget. For more information, or to read the report, visit

Media Contact: Jennifer MacDonald-Donovan