Charlottetown and Province Complete Joint Management Agreement

* Development and Technology [to Apr 2008]
The City of Charlottetown and the Province have entered into a joint management agreement for the operation of the Charlottetown Civic Centre and the PEI Trade Centre. Mayor George MacDonald and Hon. Don MacKinnon, Minister of Development, on behalf of the Province, signed the agreement on Wednesday, October 7.

"Since the 1991 Canada Winter Games, the Civic Centre and the Trade Centre have been managed as separate facilities by the City and the Province respectively. Under this agreement the complex will now be managed as a single facility," said Mayor MacDonald.

"A key goal for the new management structure is to increase the use of the complex and to enhance its economic value to the City and the Province," said Mr. MacKinnon.

"The Civic Centre/Trade Centre complex is a wonderful facility for hosting sporting, entertainment, conventions and trade show events, however, it is underutilised. This new structure will market the complex and pursue business opportunities for it," said Mayor MacDonald.

"This new arrangement will position the complex as a premier venue for hosting major events in Atlantic Canada," said Mr. MacKinnon. "The centre has already been successful in hosting events such as the PEI Expo, that assist in the marketing efforts of small and medium sized businesses."

A five person Management Board has been appointed to oversee the complex. The board includes Brendon McGinn, Myron MacDonald, Sid Hurry, Lori Pendleton, and Sue Hendricken. The first task of the new Board will be to hire a General Manager and to develop a marketing plan for the facility.

Media Contact: Ann Stanley