Celebrating the Heritage of the Legislative Assembly

Residents of Prince Edward Island are proud of their heritage. The Legislative Assembly is demonstrating its own sense of pride in its history, and its ongoing relevance to Island affairs, with a series of new products that celebrate its rich legacy and Island identity.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, the Honourable Kathleen Casey, is interested in Islanders visiting their Legislature to see how elected representatives do their jobs. She has addressed people in the gallery, as well as schoolchildren, on its traditions and on parliamentary government. Continuing in that vein, the Speaker has now made it possible for Islanders everywhere to see the Legislature close up, with a 2010 wall calendar.

The large-format calendar features two images for each month: one of a familiar site–exterior shots of Province House and the Hon. George Coles Building, and interior shots of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council–and smaller photographs of furnishings, draperies, and domestic items that often go unseen or unnoticed. “The calendars will allow people to see areas of the Legislative Assembly which are not accessible to the public,” says Speaker Casey. “We think all Islanders will find the calendars interesting for historical and heritage reasons. Our culture is present in every nook and cranny of the buildings. The architecture is just impressive.”

The Legislative Assembly will be prominent also in note cards, postcards and two sets of limited edition stamps–all bearing images taken of the Legislative Assembly, Province House, the Coles Building, and the J. Angus MacLean Building, “the places where history happens everyday, and where our members and staff do their jobs,” says the Speaker. These products are currently available from the following retailers: Province House Gift Shop, The Showcase, Founders’ Hall, The Bookmark, Canterbury Cove, UPEI Bookstore, Best of PEI Store, and the Best of PEI Market. Anyone interested in retailing the products can contact the Research Librarian, Laura Morrell, at 620-3765, for wholesale information.

Media Contact: Island Information Service