Healthy eating is important to leading a healthy lifestyle at any age and is equally important in reducing the risk for many chronic diseases. To help encourage Islanders to make healthy eating choices, Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram is pleased to proclaim October 4 – 8 as Healthy Eating Week in Prince Edward Island.
“Our local producers within our agricultural and aquacultural communities on Prince Edward Island are harvesting and producing the freshest bounties for our meals,” said Minister Bertram. “A healthy lifestyle begins with a proper diet and our Department is pleased to be partnering with the PEI Healthy Eating Alliance and go! PEI to provide opportunities for Islanders to learn about their dietary health and making proper food choices. ”
Throughout Healthy Eating Week various initiatives will be underway, including the Rethink Your Drink campaign in our Island schools administered by the PEI Healthy Eating Alliance; a Work Place Healthy Lunch Challenge underway with go! PEI; and daily online healthy eating tips at
“The purpose of Rethink Your Drink is to encourage Island students to make healthy beverage decisions. We want to teach people how to use the nutrition facts label and offer insight to healthier beverage options – such as water, milk and 100% juices,” said Jane Caiger, Dietitian with the PEI Healthy Eating Alliance. “Island students are being challenged to create their own Rethink Your Drink display and to make the switch to choosing healthier beverages.”
go! PEI promotes what is good for us all – healthy eating and active lifestyles. go! PEI is jointly funded by the PEI Department of Health and Wellness and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
“As part of go! PEI, we are inviting worksites from all across the province to take part in our Healthy Lunch Challenge,” said Laura MacPherson with go! PEI. “Participants are encouraged to make healthy food and beverage choices in their lunches – including at least 3 of the 4 food groups, making sure you have a vegetable or fruit and making a healthy beverage choice. Participating groups have a chance to win a day of free healthy snacks and a catered lunch for their workplace.”
More information on these initiatives can be found online at and