Cap Sites Eligible for New Innovation Fund

Community Access Sites across Prince Edward Island are now eligible to participate in a new program. It’s called the Innovation Fund. The fund is designed to support initiatives which enhance existing services or to develop services which benefit people and communities. An important goal of this funding is to encourage partnerships among community groups, businesses and agencies.

“Our CAP sites across the province have been well used and benefit from the help of dedicated community volunteers. This program will take the CAP sites one step further – out into communities to assist in developing innovative community-based programs,” said Mike Currie, Minister of Development and Technology.

Technology PEI will award ten CAP sites project funding in the amount of $3000.

CAP sites may choose to explore innovative ways to increase community involvement with e-commerce, distance education, or adaptive technology projects. The program can be used to develop projects which will generate revenue or result in cost or time savings. Projects could potentially be exportable to other communities on the Island or beyond.

Eligible costs for the one-time grant include: computer hardware or software, telecommunications, research and development or consulting fees. Web site development and maintenance costs are not eligible.

Applications must be submitted on-line and are available at under the Community Interests link. For more information contact: Pamela MacKenzie at or at (902) 368 6337.

Technology PEI is the Government of Prince Edward Island’s lead agency in the development, adoption and use of information technology in business and community in the province.

Media Contact: Pamela MacKenzie