Cambridge Area Residents Adopt Waste Watch

Technology and Environment Minister, the Honourable Mitch Murphy today announced the Waste Watch system of waste management will be implemented in the Cambridge area of Kings County by mid-September. Following a public meeting in July, Cambridge area residents voted in favor of the Waste Watch system following the closure of the Cambridge dump.

Residents from Albion, Sturgeon, Gaspereaux, Pembroke, Panmure Island, Cambridge, Peters Road, Commercial Cross, Milltown Cross, St. Mary's Road, Mill Road, Greek River Road and Murray Harbour North will start to separate their waste into compostable material, recyclables and residual waste by the middle of September.

Specialised compost and waste carts will be delivered to residents along with a 7-litre kitchen compost mini bin over a three or four-day period beginning the week of August 31. Information packages, including collection schedules, sorting guides and an introductory package of recyclable blue bags will be provided for each household shortly after the delivery of the carts.

The success of the Waste Watch system of waste management has been highlighted in the East Prince region where residents have diverted up to 65% of the total waste produced from disposal since the system was adopted in 1994.

"This is another significant step toward full implementation of Waste Watch across the province," said Minister Murphy.

Media Contact: Kevin Curley