July 19, 1999 Premier's OfficeIt will be another first as the Provincial Cabinet convenes for a formal meeting on Lennox Island tomorrow morning. It is part of Premier Binns' initiative to have the Cabinet meet in communities across the Province, and hold discussions with local development groups. To date the initiative has resulted in meetings involving 17 communities. "It is important that Cabinet keep in touch with Islanders, and these visits to communities are one way in which we can do that. We have the opportunity to hear first hand about many of the great things that are happening in communities across the Island, as well as gain insight into ways in which we can strengthen the partnership between the provincial government and communities," stated Premier Binns. The Cabinet will conduct its regular weekly meeting at the Band Administration Building on Lennox Island, and then at 11:30 meet with Chief Charlie Sark and members of the Band Council. Cabinet will join the Band Council for lunch at the restaurant owned and operated by the Band and then visit community-based facilities on the Reserve.Media Contact: Maurice Rodgerson