Bradley Wants Quicker Action on Dredging

* Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [to Oct 1996]
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Walter Bradley is urging the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to establish a mechanism to respond to emergency dredging needs.

He made the request to federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister Fred Mifflin following the opening of the spring lobster season when siltation problems were identified at Malpeque Harbour. Since then, Mr. Bradley said there are similar problems at Red Head Harbour, near Morell.

‘Prince Edward Island's north shore is noted for its long shore currents which continuously move sand along the shore and which can wreak havoc by infilling navigation channels,' said Mr. Bradley. ‘As a result, most north shore ports require dredging from time to time and in cases such as Malpeque and Red Head, the need can develop quickly and must be dealt with urgently.'

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has said that before dredging can take place, it must provide funding and obtain an ocean dumping permit. Under the existing process, this can take several months.

‘This process is completely unacceptable to me and to affected fishermen,' Bradley said. ‘A mechanism must be put in place to respond to these needs on an emergency basis.'

Mr. Bradley said the siltation problems pose a threat to both the lives and the livelihoods of fishermen. He said they need and deserve immediate action to ensure their safety.

Mr. Bradley said he is ready to work with the federal minister, local Members of Parliament and fishermen to develop a process to allow dredging to take place immediately.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon