Bank of Canada Nominations Open for Iconic Canadian Women

Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy
Islanders have a chance to nominate iconic Canadian women to be featured on an upcoming series of Canadian banknotes, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar, Minister responsible for the Status of Women.

“This year the Bank of Canada will choose an iconic Canadian woman to be featured on Canadian bank notes beginning in 2018,” said Minister Biggar. “Women have played leadership roles in every sector of Canadian society. I encourage all Islanders to think about the Island women who have inspired us and to bring forward their heroines for recognition on the upcoming bank notes.”

Nominees must be Canadians by birth or naturalization who have shown leadership, distinction or achievement in any field; and nominations are restricted to women who have died before April 15, 1991.

Nominations will be accepted until April 15, 2016.

Information on the nomination process is available via the Bank of Canada website

Broadcast Copy Minister Paula Biggar, Minister responsible for the Status of Women is encouraging Islanders to nominate iconic Canadian women to be featured in an upcoming series of Canadian banknotes.

The bank is looking for women who are Canadians by birth or naturalization who have shown leadership, distinction or achievement in any field. Nominations are restricted to women who have died before April 15, 1991.

Information on the nomination process is available via the Bank of Canada website

Media Contact: Ron Ryder