Award Will Recognize Excellence in Environmental Farm Planning

* Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture [to Jun 2007]
The Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Federation of Agriculture are joining together to recognize producers and commodity groups that are doing exemplary work in the field of environmental farm planning. Nominations are now being accepted for the Honourable Gilbert R. Clements' Award for Excellence in Environmental Farm Planning. The award will be a cash sum of $2500 along with an appropriate keepsake.

“Prince Edward Island producers are leading the way across Canada in the environmental farm planning process and in the implementation of on-farm conservation projects,” said Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Kevin MacAdam. “This award will recognize those who are making an outstanding contribution to sustainable agriculture and high-quality food production in this province.”

The provincial government established the award for excellence in sustainable agriculture several years ago in response to one of the recommendations of the Round Table on Land Use and Stewardship. It was named in recognition of the Honourable Gilbert R. Clements’ contribution to the environment. The award is now being re-launched with an increased focus on environmental farm plans, and those operations that are economically viable, environmentally sound and socially responsible in the production of high-quality food from sustainable systems.

Under the provincial Sustainable Resources Conservation Program, industry and government have invested more than $20 million in on-farm conservation projects over the past several years.

“Maintaining water, soil and air quality and biodiversity contributes to the sustainable production of crops and livestock, a healthy and diverse Island landscape and a productive environment for the next generation,” said Ray Arsenault, a dairy farmer from St. Nicholas and chair of the Environmental Farm Plan Program Steering Committee.

Nominations for the award should detail sustainable practices or procedures such as soil conservation, integrated pest management, nutrient management, on-farm or in-plant quality assurance, value-added production or innovation in the marketplace. Nomination forms are available from the department or the Federation. The deadline for nominations is January 31.

Previous winners of the award are George Webster, Barry Cudmore, Modhaichd Farms and Peter Bulger. This year’s award will be presented during a special ceremony in February.

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon