Attorney General Jeffrey E. Lantz today announced in the Legislative Assembly that his department and the Government of Prince Edward Island remain committed to a new courthouse in Prince County.
"I want to clarify some misunderstandings and ensure Islanders that we remain committed to this project," says Lantz. "Although government's expenditure reduction exercise for this fiscal year saw a portion of the budget for the courthouse diverted to the next fiscal year, there is still money to continue planning, project design and the evaluation of potential sites for the courthouse."
The departmental budget for the Department of Transportation and Public Works originally contained $500,000 for the courthouse for this fiscal year. As part of the expenditure reduction exercise, a portion of this money will not be spent this year; however, the budget still contains money to continue project design work and to purchase an option on a site, if required.
"While current budget restrictions may mean that this project cannot proceed on as ambitious a timetable as originally hoped, this project has by no means ground to a halt," says Minister Lantz. "I want to make it abundantly clear that the government remains committed to a new, accessible courthouse facility for Prince County."