Attorney General Details Budget Initiatives

* Office of the Attorney General [to Jan 2010]
Funding increases for RCMP, the Human Rights Commission and the Aboriginal Women’s Association were some of the key initiatives highlighted today in the Legislature when Attorney General Mildred Dover outlined her department’s budget for 2006-2007.

The RCMP “L” Division will receive $300,000 for a team of three street-level drug enforcement officers. Attorney General Dover stated, “The drug enforcement team results from a highly successful pilot project in West Prince last year. Substance abuse prevention, education, and targeting drug dealers have been identified by many communities across Prince Edward Island as priority policing issues.”

In addition to the funding allocated specifically for the street-level drug operation, the RCMP will receive an increase of $492,800 to assist with the rising costs associated with operating the provincial police service and policing services provided for First Nations communities.

The Attorney General also announced the reinstatement of provincial funding for Crime Stoppers in the amount of $7,500 this year, to assist with crime prevention and crime solving activities.

The budget of the Human Rights Commission was increased by $49,500 over the allocation of the previous fiscal year. “I am pleased that we are able to increase the allocation to the Human Rights Commission this year to assist the Commission with its ongoing operating expenses,” Minister Dover added.

The Aboriginal Women’s Association will receive a grant of $20,000 for 2006-07 to assist with its core operating expenses, the Minister announced. She commended the Aboriginal Women's Association for working cooperatively with the Lennox Island Band, the Abegweit Band, the Native Council of PEI, and the Mi'kmaq Confederacy for the betterment of Aboriginal people living on and off reserve. “I have been impressed with the significant achievements of the Aboriginal Women’s Association,” she said. “This Association exemplifies true community leadership.”

Minister Dover also talked about initiatives of the Consumer Services Section of the Office of the Attorney General, including a project to produce and distribute a pamphlet entitled Donations to Charities for all Island households. This consumer education initiative is a joint project of Consumer Services and the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency, who are providing $35,000 for the project. The department is providing in-kind contributions including staff time and other resources needed to carry out the project.

Staff in the Attorney General’s office will be working in collaboration with Justice Canada on the development of youth projects, including projects for adolescent girls demonstrating assaultive behaviours and the Montague at Risk Student Project. Also, in partnership with Justice Canada and Mi'kmaq Confederacy, a summer mentorship program for post secondary students is being continued.

The Office of the Attorney General is also partnering with the Correctional Services of Canada on initiatives including drug interdiction through access to CSC drug dogs, electronic sharing of client/offender information, and renewed emphasis on integrated offender case management. “These partnerships have resulted in over $200,000 in initiatives aimed directly at enhanced client service and community safety and we are pleased for the opportunity to work with our federal and community partners to deliver these services,” the Minister said.

Ms. Dover commended the staff in the Office of the Attorney General for their commitment to serving Islanders and working with the justice community, families and others to address the root causes of crime and assist individuals dealing with the justice system. The Office of the Attorney General is responsible for Community and Correctional Services; the Consumer, Corporate and Insurance Division; Crown Attorneys; Justice Policy; Legal and Judicial Services; Provincial Policing; Aboriginal Affairs and the Coroner's Office.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill